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Thursday, January 12, 2012
Organic Foods Vs Genetically Modified (GM) Foods
To establish a long term industries with respect to
environment sustainability, we have to maintain a eco-friendly
environment. Nowadays, due to increase in world population & surplus
demand of food from the limited sources of food production. To fulfil
this requirement and as well as maintain the the Food Quality & Food
Safety, parallel with the environment is a “Big Challenge”.The
overriding advantage of eating organically grown foods is linked to
environmental issues becauseorganic farming is kinder to the
environment and is more likely to be sustainable.What is Organic
Foods?Farmers who grow organic produce and meat don't use conventional
methods to fertilize, control weeds or prevent livestock disease. For
example, rather than using chemical weed killers, organic
farmersconduct sophisticated crop rotations and spread mulch or manure
to keep weeds at bay. What is Genetically modified foods? Genetically
modified foods, referred as GM Foods, are plant or animal based foods
that have been decisively transformed at a genetic stage. All living
things contain genetic stuff, usually in the form of DNA and it is this
genetic stuff which gives plants, animals and us our unlike features.
The genetic amendment of food involves altering the food’s genetic
stuff (genes) or inserting the genes of a different plant, animal or
micro-organism into a food to create more advantageous features. The
genes from single food can be inserted into the genes of an completely
dissimilar food, for example the genes from an animal can be inserted
into the genes of a plant and vice versa. Why Does Organic Matter?There
is rising consensus in the scientific society that minute doses of
pesticides and other chemicals can negatively affect people, especially
during defenceless periods of fetal progress and childhood when
exposures can have stretched long-term property. Central to the
philosophy of organic farming is protecting the environment and
functioning in harmony with existing ecosystems e.g. conservation of
water, soil and energy, the use of renewable resources and natural
farming cycles. Organic food is better for the environment because
excessive use of chemicals and modern farming methods have led to a
decline in soil fertility and an increase in salinity and blue-green
algae in waterways over many years. Organic farming minimise the damage
environment by using physical weed control and animal and green manure.
Organic Farming reduce Soil Erosion Compaction of the soil by too much
cultivation inhibits the incorporation of rainwater, forcing it to lope
off the soil, carrying chemical inputs with it into rivers. This causes
pollution and finely tuned the risks of flooding. Extreme cultivation
also destroys the structure of soil: Annual crops, grown in
conventional systems, require that the soil is cultivated. The very act
of cultivating the soil serves to wipe out organic matter, kills much
of the soil fauna and vegetation, the soil at threat of erosion from
storm and rainfall. The soil formation is smashed and with continued
farming, the sub-soil becomes very compacted and is unable to drain
properly or permit roots to break through and attain their nutrients.
While, as every coin has two sides, the aspects of GM Foods are as
follows:-As Genetically Modified Food is manufactured by changing the
codon of genes of food stuff.In crops, enhanced taste and quality,
reduced maturation time, Increased nutrients, yields, and stress
tolerance.In Animals, Increased resistance, productivity, power of
endurance, and feed, efficiency, better yields of meat, eggs, and milk,
Improved animal health and analytical methods.In Environment,
Environment "Friendly" bio herbicides and bio insecticides, Bio
processing for forestry products, Better natural waste management. Why
is use food genetically modified? The major reason for genetically
modifying foods is to improve or create more pleasing characteristics.
For example, genetic modification may perk up a foods self life, build
a crop more resistant to insects and pests or make a fruit grow
better-quality and quicker. More recently advocates of genetically
modified foods claim such foods are necessary to feed the worlds
growing population and avert starvation caused by natural disasters
such as drought and flood. GM food is the Proposed Solution to World
Hunger The most reliable arguments in support of GM food is that it is
the single way we can cultivate enough foodstuff to feed our rising
global population and make accessible urgently required nutrition for
the worlds Billions of hungry peoples. Natural clamaties such as
drought and flood where food become limited. The plain fact is that we
do manufacture enough food to nourish everyone. In fact, we at present
produce sufficient food to supply 2,720 calories per person per day
(World Hunger Education Service, 2010) – that’s 810 calories over the
food principles agency’s recommended 1940 calories per day for women
aged 19-50 years (Food Standards Agency, 2008). Regrettably most of the
world’s under-nourished live in some of the poorest countries on earth
where a combination of natural disaster, crooked governments,
disagreement and destructive economic systems put off access to food
and those who do have admittance to it can rarely have the funds for
it. Simply growing the cultivation of genetically modified crops cannot
perhaps right these complex issues. Certainly increasing GM husbandry
in such countries has been revealed to increase levels of countryside
poverty while simultaneously destroying significant ecosystems and
biodiversity. Genetically modified (GM) crops are making up a better
and superior percentage of total agricultural average every year.
Globally, 252 million acres of transgenic crops were planted in 22
countries by 10.3 million farmers in 2006. It has been approximate that
70-75 percent of processed foods on U.S. supermarket shelf contain
genetically modified ingredients (Center for Food Safety). According to
the United States Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Economic Research
Service (ERS), there has been a theatrical increase in GM presence in
America over the past thirteen years. BT (Bacillus thuringiensis)
technology has been available for corn and cotton since 1996; the
technology protects the plant from definite insects by encoding for a
toxic protein. No genetically engineered crop represented more than 15%
of the acreage for that crop in 1996. BT corn grew from 8 percent of US
corn acreage in 1997 to 23 percent in 199, and after a brief decline
reached 63% in 2009. Cost Effectiveness of Organic Farming A recent
study by the University of Michigan showed that in developed countries,
yields were equal,which suggests that organic production does not
reduce yields. This amplify in yields is proficient using existing
quantities of organic fertilizers and with the same amount of farmland
as before used. This is a vital aspect. As population continues to
raise, this method would enable production increase without
monopolizing more land. Developing countries are frequently not open to
outside food; food must be produced from local farmers. Although
counterintuitive, this is in part to do lack of access to costly
fertilizers and pesticides. Nitrogen availability is a crucial factor.
"Green manures" are planted between growing seasons and help to provide
enough nitrogen "to replace synthetic fertilizers" .Though not
necessarily exclusive to genetic modification of food, GM production
often involves man-made herbicides, sprayed into fields with herbicide
defiant crops. Ivette Perfecto, a professor at University of Michigan,
engineered the study among the suggestion that organic farming is less
efficient. She says, "Corporate interest in agriculture and the way
agriculture research has been conducted in land grant institutions,
with a lot of pressure by the chemical companies and pesticide
companies as well as fertilizer companies—all have been playing an
important role in persuasive the public that you need to have these
inputs to produce food" .The attention that chemical companies have for
farmers to use their goods may not necessarily agree with enhanced
economic competence. Global climate alter is in the collective
principles of scientists and even regular citizens in much of the West.
The consequence of genetic modification on the natural environment is
however a very real worry for ecosystem health, which twist & can have
thoughtful effects on humans, economics, and civilizations themselves.
Concerns have been raised over apparent environmental concerns as a
consequence of genetically modified plants and animals. This would
effect in the appearance of confrontation in these plants to manage
measures (e.g. herbicides). Transferred genes could create “super
viruses” and cause an unintentional inhibition of the immune system in
fauna. The significant process of co-evolution and the interaction
between a range of populations in an ecosystem could be essentially
upset by the functioning of genetic modification . Crop Diversity
Genetic diversity of crops is crucial to developing resistance to new
pests, diseases, and the varying environmental conditions .It is the
natural comparable of the old adage regarding not having all of one's
eggs in one basket. Central to natural selection, genetic diversity is
essential for the achievement of any natural inhabitants. Diversity is
crucial for global food security, as well. As newly as 1970, the maize
varieties in the United States possessed dangerous genetic uniformity
as a result of traditional cross breeding As a result, the Southern
corn leaf blight destroyed fifteen percent of the harvest, or $1
billion. Terminator seeds and genetic modification may have a
detrimental effect on traditional farming .Botanist Jack Harlan says
that genetic diversity is all that “stand between us and catastrophic
starvation on a scale we cannot imagine". Genetic PollutionOne type of
technology protection system, dubbed the Terminator system, causes GM
crops to not produce fertile seeds. Farmers cannot put seeds aside
every year, forcing them to buy new seed. One hand it may help prevent
"genetic pollution" or crossover to wild varieties of crops. However,
the possibility that this gene could be conferred to another plant
would be troubling . The Exorcist system allows the production of
fertile seeds, but with the GM DNA spliced out and destroyed. This
could be a development that placates worries from environmental groups
.Patenting seeds and having a monopoly over genetically altered plants
may violate "the sanctity of life." What were once commodity products
(available to all) are now proprietary products (only available from a
few sellers). The "terminator gene" technology may soon disintegrate
traditional farming practices . Unintentional Gene transfer to Wild
PlantsThe risks of genetic modified food crops are enormous. The
outlook that genes that we put in to these fresh modified crops could
finish up on a wild relation is risky. Salt tolerant rice could discuss
its resistance to a weed that "overwhelms estuarine ecosystems," for
example. Genetically modified food crops with herbicide and insect
resistance could irritated pollinate and result in hard-to-eradicate
super weeds . On a smaller scale, even a small raise in herbicides
would guide to increased cost. This unintended gene transfer is hard to
expect and can have consequences that are not so far known .The
invasive super weeds would run rampant on the environment and take its
toll on crop yields. The crops themselves could become super weeds,
rising in unintended areas. The effect of the BT toxin on beneficial
insects if it entered the natural ecosystem during gene transfer with
wild varieties is also a important concern.Plants engineered to enclose
virus particles to develop resistance could help in the making of new
viruses. Plants engineered to convey drugs or pesticides could relate
with organisms not planned as targets. GM FOODS Could Relieve
Environmental Concerns:- Nitrogen is a key concern of environmental
lobby groups, because nitrogen fertilizer is essential for much of
today's bountiful harvests. Nitrous oxide, though only released in
small proportions, is a potent greenhouse gas. Crops can be heritably
modified to need less fertilizer and as a effect lessening the
discharge of nitrous oxide into the environment. Nitrate pollution,
which taints drinking supplies and pollutes waters next to fields,
would also be greatly decreased.
The BT protein, an insecticide, is toxic to negative insects and can be
formed by many of the recently engineered plants. The protein
eliminates the want for toxic chemical pesticides. The BT protein is
harmless and degrades in the stomach acid . The environment is less
worried by the incorporation of the BT protein. However, non target
insects by be killed, like the monarch butterfly or the targeted
insects may build up resistance to toxins .Some plants have been
tailored to eliminate toxic waste from the environment. Some plants can
now be used to clean up the belongings of industry, agricultural, and
petroleum production by ingesting poisons or converting them into still
compounds. The Environmental Issues Gm Foods :- •Synthetic pesticides
and herbicides not only depart toxic residues on food but also destroy
soil microbes and generate top soil loss.•Conventional growing disrupts
natural ecosystems around the farms.•Chemical fertilizers also create
much of the pollution in lakes, ponds, rivers and groundwater.•Organic
farming is exposed to disappear the soil healthier and use energy more
economically. Genetically Modified Foods Cons:- • Safety– Prospective
human health impact: allergens, transfer of antibioticresistance
markers– Potential environmental impact: unintended transfer
oftransgenic through cross-pollination, unknown effects on
otherorganisms (e.g., soil microbes), and loss of flora and
faunabiodiversity• Access and Intellectual Property– Domination of
world food production by a few companies– Growing dependence on
Industrialized nations by developingcountries– Bio piracy—foreign
exploitation of natural resources• Ethics– Destruction of natural
organisms' intrinsic values– Tampering with nature by integrating genes
among species– Stress for animal Why people should buy organic ?
Organic foods encourage a improved and further sustainable use of the
environment, and more caring treatment of animals. 31,000 tonnes of
pesticides per-year are now used on crops in the UK. The huge majority
are man-made synthetic chemicals. That, mutually with other synthetic
inputs, excessive farming, genetically customized foods, and the
utilization of monoculture, marks in the depletion of soil and the
destruction of life surrounded by the soil and above it. Ecological
systems are out of order. Micro-organisms, insects, birds and mammals
either die or are pushed away from land that is frequently poisoned.
Organic agriculture moves next to this ruin by adhering to definite
principles in farming. Traditional farming methods are frequently used,
such as rotating crops to avoid depleting the soil of nutrients. The
Australian organic food industry is rolling; it is at present worth
around $200-$250 million per year nationally and a further $50-$80
million per year in exports with an likely annual growth of upto 60%.
Consumer demand is mounting at a speed of 20-30% per year with retail
sales growing 670% between 1990 and 2001-2. Types of manufacture
available include fruit and vegetables, grains, meat and meat products,
honey and some processed foods. Even though development in organic
foods sales has been utmost of any food category, there are restricted
data that such food is safer or more healthy than conventionally
produced foods. Many people are frightened of synthetic chemicals
sprayed on foods, and up till now 99 percent of the pesticides we have
occur obviously in fruits and vegetables.Environmental sustainability
is a balancing act. It balances nature with nurture, time and space,
nutrient to erosion.Organic food and sustainable agriculture can go
hand in hand. Using sustainable practices like mulching, crop rotation
and animals as a replacement for of gas-powered trucks, a farmer could
literally work on an approximately net-zero carbon emission. And yes,
it might cost us a little more for that ear of corn, but it's totally
worth . Conclusion:- In conclusion , with the expansion in technology,
the potential introduced by the organic foods are infinite. It will
absolutely change people’s & atmosphere conditions slightly. In organic
foodstuff we apply natural fertilizers, such as manure or compost, to
feed soil and plant life. Apply valuable insects and birds, mating
distraction or traps to reduce pests and virus. Rotate crops, till,
hand weed or mulch to handle weeds. Give animals organic supply and
allow them entrance to the outdoors, their apply preventive measures —
such as rotational grazing, a balanced diet and clean housing — to
assist minimize disease. While in conventional food we apply
Conventional chemical fertilizers to support plant enlargement. Spray
insecticides to condense pests and disease & exercise chemical
herbicides to control weeds. Give animals antibiotics, expansion
hormone and medications to avoid disease and encourage expansion. The
overriding benefit of eating organically developed foods is correlated
to environmental issues as organic farming is kinder to the atmosphere
and is further likely to be sustainable.It is extremely likely that the
Organic Food will carry on to grow & develop into one of the several
essentials in Environmental Sustainability
Food Industries in Newzeland
This report discuss a broad range of topics regarding Quality of Food Industries in Newzeland. It also looks in th operation affects in Food Industries of Newzealand.
Firstly ,report provide information about Food Proccessing, its history and advantage of Food processing. It also discussed about the structure of Newzealand Food Industries, their classification like their sectors dairy, meat, fruits &vegetables, wine etc. Thereafter report discussed about Major Food Companies of Newzealand.
Secondly ,there is a brief discussion about the impact of food industries in Newzealand and introduction to the process of Newzealand Food Industries. The report also discuss about Food Proccessing and Manufacturing Regulations In Newzealand and Importance of Quality in Food Industries.
Lastly in this report there is a discussion about Quality Inspection Organisations and Recommendation to enhanced Quality of Newzealand Food Industries.
In recent years, Processed Food exports from Newzealnd markets have
emerged as a potentially chief source of economical growth. For maintaining and enhancing this Food quality is should be of a High standard, As newzealand food industries are one of the world’s top industries , so Food Quality of Newzeland Food should be of global rank.
This report discussed about the Quality of Newzealand food industries , The industry have sales of more than $38 billion in the year ended September 2009, with more than $26 billion for meat plus dairy goods. Export of meat and dairy foodstuffs amounted to $14 billion above the similar stage. Manufacturing expansion peaked at 9.5% on a yearly average. Newzeland have a very broad classification of food industry which includes Milk Proccessing, Meat Proccessing, vegetable and fruit Proccessing, Wine Proccessing etc.
For maintaining and enhancing the standard of this industry .Food Quality playes a very vital role. Differrent aspects of Food quality has been discussed in this report. There is detail discussion about Food Proccessing and Manufacturing Regulation In Newzealand and Impartance of Quality in Food Industries.
There is brief discussion of recommendation to enhanced Quality of Newzealand Food Industries.
What is food processing?
Food processing is the combination of methods and techniques use to make over raw ingredients into food or to change food into other forms for utilization by human being or animals either inside the house or by the Food processing industries. Food processing usually take clean, Harvested crops or butchered animal foodstuffs and use these to manufacture attractive, profitable and regularly extended shelf-life food products. Tremendous example of food processing consist of the fragile preparation of lethal fugu fish or prepare space food for consumption below zero gravity.
(Food and beverage)
Early food processing technique were inadequate by the existing food preservation, packaging and transport. Untimely food processing mostly implicated salting, curing, curdling, drying, pickle and smoking. A illustration of an early processed food product is cheese.
Throughout the industrialisation period in the 19th century, food manufacturing arise. This growth take benefit of new heap market and rising novel technology, such as milling,, preservation, packaging and labeling and transportation.
Benefits of Food Processing
Benefits of food processing consist of contaminant removal, preservation, slackening marketing and allocation tasks, and rising food constancy. In adding up, it increase seasonal accessibility of a lot of foods, enable shipping of fragile perishable food transversely lengthy distance and make many kind of foods safe to consume by de-activating spoilage plus pathogenic micro-organisms. Current supermarkets would not be realistic without present food processing techniques, elongated voyages would not be possible and would be considerably additional hard and costly to execute.
Processed foods are typically less vulnerable to early spoilage than fresh foods also are enhanced right for elongated distance transport from the starting place to the customer. As they be first introduce, several processed foods help to lessen food shortage and enhanced the overall nutrition of populations as it made lots of new foods obtainable to the masses.
Processing also be able to decrease the occurrence of food borne disease. Fresh material, milk,or fresh produce as well as raw meats, are more probable to harbour lethal micro-organisms (e.g. Salmonella) able of cause serious illnesses.
The tremendously diverse modern diet is merely truly possible on a broad scale as of food processing. Transportation of extra exotic foods, also the removal of much tough labour gives the modern eater simple access to a broad diversity of food unbelievable to their intimates.
The work of processing can regularly develop the taste of foodstuff appreciably.
Mass manufacturing of food is greatly cheaper in general than individual manufacturing of meal as of raw ingredients. So, a large earnings potential exists for the manufacturer and supplier of processed food goods. Modern food processing too improve the quality of life for populace with allergies, diabetics, plus other people who cannot use some common food elements. Food processing be capable of add extra nutrients such as vitamins in the food stuff, this process is also also called Fortification.
Stuctures Of Newzealand food Industries:-
Food manufacturing is a main business in New Zealand ,accounting for
approximately one-third of export and contributing just beneath 5 percent of GDP.
1. Food processing is New Zealand’s principal manufacturing industry employer with
almost 75,000 people work in the industry in 2008.
2. M ajority food processing is base on meat and dairy goods, employing nearly 30,000
as well as 10,000 people respectively.
3. Globally recognised research organisations obtain out cutting edge research
keen on apply science and technology in the direction of food processing and packaging.
(Food-processing and packaging industry)
The food manufacturing business produce high-quality goods for mutually the home and export market. This industry enjoy the reward of a natural situation that is extremely favorable to pastoral agriculture, a lack of main agricultural diseases, the potential intended for year-round manufacture and an global reputation for superiority. The industry
have sales of more than $38 billion in the year ended September 2009, with more than $26 billion for meat plus dairy goods.
Export of meat and dairy foodstuffs amounted to $14 billion above the similar stage.
Manufacturing expansion peaked at 9.5% on a yearly average base in June 2003 by trending descending over the following 4 years as the worth of the New Zealand dollar valued.
Classification of Newzealand food industries:- The food business is the lynchpin of New Zealand's affluence and be the major manufacturing sub-sector. As an elevated export product earner for New Zealand, it is a burly provider towards a optimistic trade equilibrium. Food export contain trebled in the last 17 years, from NZ$6.96 billion in 1990 to $21.43 billion in 2008. Food and Beverage export give over 10 percent to expenses on GDP and stand for half of all New Zealand's goods exports by value. The trade then has a vital power on Newzealand’s Economy.
1. Dairy: Products in this group variety from high quality essentials such as milk powders, butter and mass cheese through to specialty foods such as ice cream, cheeses, and extremely specialised ingredient similar to spray-dried milk proteins, protein hydrolysates plus freeze-dried bio-active proteins. Fonterra, co-operative own by over 11,000 New Zealand dairy farmers, is in charge for more than one-third of the worldwide dairy trade. The dairy business is New Zealand’s principal sell abroad earner and is an recognized worldwide trade – in 2008 dairy exports amounted to NZ$9.29 billion, about 22 percent of whole exports. New Zealand’s dairy trade is a upright included, highly synchronized worldwide dealer of outstanding dairy products. New Zealand control more than a third of the universal dairy business plus it is a most important producer of bulk supplies, such as whole and skim milk powders, as well as exclusive specialty cheeses, ice creams, with ingredient such as colostrum plus lactoferrin. Our dairy industry’s main strength are well-organized all-grass farming system, huge scale processing, hitech R&D spending, and innovative marketing ability.
2. Meat: Meat is New Zealand’s subsequent major food export. Export totalled NZ$5.14 billion in 2008,around 12 percent of the country’s entire export. New Zealand is the world’s biggest exporter of sheep meat (the umbrella word for lamb, hogget, ram and mutton). New Zealand have been exporting outstanding quality red meat products to the globe for more than 125 years and be one of the world’s foremost location for pastoral farming. Newzealand sheeps, lambs, beef and deer be feed going on a pastoral diet of grass, in a moderate climate, eliminate the need for artificial supply and shelter. This farming surroundings is complement by our disease-free rank, hard biosecurity actions and brilliant animal welfare standards. Jointly by New Zealand’s history of proficiency in producing , processing and exporting red meat, our goods constantly make top dollar in our chief export markets.
3. Seafood: Among the world’s 4 th principal coastal fishing region, New Zealand harvest approximately 96 type of fish and shellfish sustainably using the Quota Management System (QMS). The New Zealand seafood trade produce 1 billion meal yearly in New Zealand and abroad. New Zealand’s remote location in the South Pacific Ocean make it one of the world’s best location for marine farming. Newzealand’s pathogen-free water surroundings and nonappearance of inorganic toxins which results as to Newzealand is among one of the little countries in the world where shellfish do not need depuration prior to processing. Newzealand’s aquaculture region has superior at a fast rate since the late 1980s, have grown-up at a standard annual rate of 11.7 percent by amount over the 20 years to 2005. The business is base on natural spirited advantage, hold up by in-depth information, outstanding research ability and a strength of innovation.
(seafood newzealand)
4. Fruit and vegetables: Geologically isolated plus with severe biosecurity policy, New Zealand is free of a lot of of the main pests and diseases common elsewhere in the world. More than $1.8 billion of exports be generate in this group in the year ending June 2008. New Zealand supply just over 20 percent of the world’s kiwifruit.
5. Wine: Previously little and family-based, the New Zealand wine business has full-grown and nowadays is technically superior, produce a broad variety of distinguishing, clean, character-filledwines . In 2008, New Zealand wine export were value $903 million, a enormous boost from the $60 million the business was export just a decade earlier, and a 37 percent boost over 2006. Newzealand’s best wines, shaped by New Zealand’s exclusive topography and typical weather, and craft by newzealand novel winemakers, carry on to expand global recognition. Though little in worldwide terms, the New Zealand wine trade occupy a burly premium place, base on a unique product and a status for quality.
6. Specialty food industries: There are at the present more than 2,000 specialty food and beverage manufacturer in New Zealand adding up value to a wide base of natural products. These enclose skilled solid expansion in export income since 1990. Since a sum of $2.9 billion in export in 1990, sell abroad receipts reach $8.7 billion in 2006. most important market are the United States, Australia,Europe, Japan andChina.
7. Functional Food- New Zealand’s functional food business leverages off New Zealand’s proficiency as a main manufacturer of healthy, high qualityfood. The nation has a lot of spirited and relative advantages in the health ingredient and functional foodsindustry, include world class science, exclusive raw materials, superiority in food research, safety and traceability. Newzealand’s globally famous research institutions, jointly with our biodiversity and a perfect growing environment, make New Zealand a perfect place to build up and produce novel new foods.
(Food product innovation )
Major Food Industries of Newzealand:-
Fonterra Co-operative Group Ltd - Transnational dairy corporation owned by 11,000 New Zealand dairy farmers; world's principal exporter of dairy products (milk, butter, yoghurt, cheese,ice-creams ) to customers in 140 countries, sell ingredient underneath the NZMP name and dairy foodstuffs.
AFFCO New Zealand Ltd – It is one of New Zealand's principal meat company, process and export more than 150,000 tonnes of quality beef and lamb products each year at nine sites across North Island.
Alliance Group Ltd-
Farmer-owned cooperative base in Invercargill,process lamb, sheep, cattle, and venison,it has 7 processing plants inside South Island,brands, Ashley, Alliance Group , Alliance Pure South, Gold Class Venison.
Heinz Wattie's Ltd- It is the food company whose products comprise soups, frozen and package fruit and vegetables, baked beans, sauces, spaghetti, burgers , baby & toddler food, cuisine sauces, seafood, jams, dressing, cat care and nourishment products.
Griffins Food Ltd- Auckland-based manufacturer of biscuits, Muesli bars & ETA snacks foods, a Danone Group corporation, produce categories are mixed, chocolate, cookies , crackers, creams, plain and sweet.
Frucor Beverages Group Ltd- Auckland-based beverages company 100% own by Groupe Danone, produce fruit juices, fruit drinks, energy drinks, waters and soft drinks,its brands are Fresh-Up, Just Juice, McCoy, Citrus Tree, V, Sugarfree V, G-Force, Mizone, H2Go, NZ Natural, Evian etc.
Delica Ltd- It is Auckland-based global marketing corporation export superior quality fruit and vegetables source from top quality growers in New Zealand, Australia and North America,products are : asparagus, berryfruit, citrus, carrots , sweet corn, paprika, blueberries etc.
Arnott's - Australia-based maker of biscuits and have bussines in newzealand also, range in chocolate, creams, savoury, crispbread and crackers , fruits , plain original, children biscuits etc.
Bernard Matthews New Zealand - Completely own subsidiary of UK-based food company Bernard Matthews, engage in the manufacture of renowned, value-added lamb cuts in chilled and frozen type.
Blue Sky Meats (NZ) Ltd- Meat company that process lamb, sheep, bobby calves and goats, market products in association with Horizon Meats.
Cadbury's New Zealand – It is a enormous chocolate maker, it manufacture a broad variety of chocolates in Newzealand ,its plants situated in Dunedin, Otago.
Coca-Cola Amatil- Australian transnational corporation engage in the production and allocation of soft drinks plus other alcohol-free beverages, it have 2 bottling plants within New Zealand, at Auckland and Christchurch and a mineral water plant at Putaruru.
Cedenco Foods- It is a food constituent processing and selling corporation with factories in Gisborne, Newzealand and Echuca, Australia. Its products are : vegetable and fruit powders, aseptic paste, purees and dice, frozen purees and individually rapid frozen products.
Chelsea Sugar- It is a Sugar brand formed by the New Zealand Sugar corporation Ltd, base in Auckland, produce white sugar, raw sugar, castor sugar, soft brown sugar, icing sugar, coffee sugar , demerarasugar , golden syrup, treacle etc.
The impact of food industries in New Zealand:
1. Food manufacturing is a chief industry inside New Zealand accounting for about one-third of export and contributing just under percent of GDP.
2. Food processing is New Zealand’s major manufacturing industry employers by means of nearly 75,000 people work in the industry in 2008.
3. The majority food processing is base on meat and dairy products, employ almost 30,000 and 10,000 people repectively.
4. Globally renowned research organization take ou t cutting edge research into applying science and technology to food processing and packaging.
(Food and beverage)
An introduction to process Of Food Industries Newzealand
1. Food Safety & Quality Assurance- Explore the raw material essential to process food as well as the quality standard they require to meet up. Food safety is a extremely wide issue. pesticide, herbicides, chemical additives and spoilage be all of worry. Microbes are often excessively tiny to be see through the unaided eye and include the capability to replicate quickly. Numerous of them generate toxins and be able to cause infections.
(Food and beverage)
2. Processing Food - Processed foods have be tainted from their ordinary condition for safety reason and for ease. The technique use for processing foods consist of canning, freezing , refrigeration, dehydration and asceptic processing demonstrate the a diversity of processing steps in manufacture bread, peanut butter etc .
(Processing Food)
3. Nutrition, Labeling and Packaging- explore the ecological and government policy concerning food packaging plus labeling as well as the growing role nutrition plays in the selling of food products to the customer.
(Nutrition, Labeling and Packaging)
4. Integrated Resource Management- Focus on incorporated management of every resources inside a processing manufacturing surroundings and show how forecasting plus master manufacture scheduling influence material necessities planning. It introduce the idea of Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP II) as well as the task computers play in the manufacturing procedure.
(Integrated Resource Management)
5. From the Plant to the Store - Deal through inventory management as well as transport of foods from the plant to the store. Manufacturing Resource Planning too focus on how stores forecast requirement.
(From the Plant to the Store)
6. From the Store to the Shopper - Focus on the position of market and a variety of strategy to thrust the foodstuffs out of the plant into the distribution chain (promotions plus sales incentive), and drag them into the hands of the customer (promotion).
(From the Store to the Shopper)
7. The Customer Service Chain- Focus on planned quality management. It is no longer enough to create a quality manufactured goods to enchantment the consumer. Planned quality management en compasses incessant quality improvement of presented processes, as well as re-engineering of incompetent work process.
A. The significance of consumer service- Every one of these group is piece of the broader consumer chain, a few as interior consumers, others as exterior consumers. An exterior consumer is somebody who straight purchase the products or services of a trade venture. An interior consumer is a set in the distribution control that receive process, products and services from others in the organization.
B. The idea of consumer chain- Each one of these groups is part of the broader customer chain, some as internal customers, others as external customers. An external customer is someone who directly purchases the products or services of a business enterprise. An internal customer is a group in the distribution channel that receives processes, products and services from others in the organization.
C. The meaning of the quality paradigm- A uprising is comprehensive across all industrites, including the Food trade. To grant better consumer service, business are altering the way they seem at all facet of an operation. The paradigm move that is captivating place in industry is not of necessity due to a increase in information, but a transform in the way consumer service is viewed . The word "quality paradigm" refers to a novel method of idea concerning quality and consumers. Not anything in a commerce venture can be in use for granted. Every work procedure must incessantly be enhanced in order to stay spirited and achieve world-class position. The quality paradigm is the base of the complete Total Quality Management (TQM) uprising in industry.
D. How manufactured goods quality relate to consumer satisfaction- consumer satisfaction and reliability stand for a company's durable economic success. Without primary understanding the reason for lack of consumer reliability, no amount of plan will guide to success.
E. The conception of Total Quality Management- Before a corporation can offer better consumer service, it have to contain an general strategy. TQM is a management philosophy geared to the continuous improvement of excellence to gather, exceed and expect consumer prospect. TQM focus on all consumers, mutually interior and exterior.
The necessities to TQM:
• A long-term corporation obligation
• A alter in worker attitude and behaviors
• A joint team attempt amongst the a variety of functional department • An importance on the empowerment and involvement of all staff
Food Proccessing And Manufacturing Regulation In Newzealand:-
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF) is in charge for the legislation to ensure safe and appropriate food is obtainable in New Zealand and for export.
MAF is purposeful on rising and protective New Zealand. Inside this, food safety is a vital constituent, as MAF workings through industry and customers to:
• perk up the safety and appropriateness of food
• avoid and decrease damage to financial movement, human health and the environment from pests and diseases.
• sustain and improve marketplace access for exports.
• regulate, develop and implements food standards
• facilitate exporting by provide assurance to exporters and destination market
• respond to food-related emergency and suspected breach of legislation.
(Food Safety)
Depending on the category of food which is manufactured, the food safety necessities which need to meet are put out in the follow legislation:
There are 4 Acts, which administer MAF's food safety tasks:
• Food Act1981
• Animal Products Act 1999
• Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines Act 1997
• Wine Act 2003.
(Food regulation)
Food Act 1981
MAF is incharge for administer the Food Act, which regulate domestic food formed or sell in New Zealand. Under the Act, there be set of laws and standard which industry wants to fulfill with.
(Food regulation)
Animal Products Act (APA) 1999
The reason of the APA is to defend human and animal health plus make easy access to overseas markets. The risk management system beneath the APA potentially cover operations for all animal material and products since production and harvesting toward processing, transportation, storage plus export.
The APA establish a authoritarian regime so as to require all animal products trade and use to be 'fit for intentional purpose'. Food business do this by meeting standard designed for animal products. The system comprise the following types of controls:
• Standards – these are issued beneath the Act as Regulations or Notices
• Risk Management Programmes (RMPs), which are implement by business processing animal material to control food safety hazards and make sure that resulting animal products meet up pertinent standards.
• Regulated Control Schemes (RCSs) – these be imposed and manage by MAF in circumstance where it is additional efficient to manage food-related risks, such as contaminants and residues, during a national programme
• Export controls, which are issue by MAF and contain Overseas Market Access Requirements (OMARs), common Requirements for Export (GREX) and authorized assurances.
(Animal Products Act 1999)
Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines (ACVM) Act 1997
The ACVM Act control the agricultural compound as well as veterinary medicines use in association through animals and plants. The ACVM Act regulate the import, manufacture, trade and make use of of agricultural compound and veterinary medicine to make sure fulfillment with domestic food residue standard throughout, for example, instructions on labels. It also manage risk to public health, trade in prime produce, animal welfare as well as agricultural security.
(Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines Act 1997)
Wine Act 2003
The Wine Act cover the manufacture of wine in New Zealand include grape wine, fruit and vegetable wine, cider as well as mead. The main objectives of the Act be to:
• offer for the setting of standards for identity, fact in labelling and the safety of wine
• Decrease and control risk to human health linked with the manufacture of wine
• ease the entry of wine into overseas market.
the majority winemakers meet up these necessities through implement a Wine Standards Management Plan (WSMP).
(Wine Standards Management Plan (WSMP))
Applying the legislation
If anyone manufacture food (other than grape or other wine ), that is planned for human being consumption within New Zealand or Australia in that case it have to meet up the necessities of the APA or the Food Act 1981.
Appendix 1: Food safety agencies, roles, and legislation
Agency Role Legislation/ authority
Domestic food safety, except for primary production
Ministry of Health (MOH) Strategic policy, domestic and ANZFA standards, Food Act 1981,
international treaties, nutrition policy. Food Regulations 1984, Food
Coordination of public health activities, advice on policy Hygiene Regulations 1974,
and regulations. Development and implementation of Health (Infectious Diseases)
operational policy and strategy. Regulations 1966, Dietary
Export certification in specific markets and for wine. Supplements Regulations 1985
Liaison with domestic and international agencies.
Monitoring and surveillance.
Public advice.
Medical Officers of Health Food standards investigation and enforcement As above, plus the
and Health Protection (including imported foods). Health Act 1956
Officers (with regional Food safety and foodborne illness enforcement,
health agencies, under investigation, and surveillance.
delegated authority from Health promotion and education. Approvals for
the Director-General of premises registration and food safety programmes,
Health) assessment of audits, investigation of deviations.
National cooperation: investigations, recalls,
prosecutions, surveys.
Territorial authorities Registration and inspection of food premises, Health Act 1956
(District Councils) investigation of complaints, enforcement (hygiene, Food Act 1981
through their building, physical environment). Food Hygiene Regs. 1974,
Environmental Health Approval of food safety programmes, assessment of Health (Registration of
Officers audits, investigation of deviations. Premises) Regs. 1966
Health promotion and education. Local Government Act 1974
Export food safety, primary production
Ministry of Agriculture and Strategic policy, international negotiation, trade treaties, Meat Act 1981
Forestry (MAF) via interface of food policy and trade policy, liaison on Dairy Industry Act 1952
MAF Food (MAF Food technical requirements and standards for export. Animal Products Act 1999
Assurance Authority) Operational policy and standard setting. Licensing of Pesticides Act 1979
processes and premises, certification, approval of Animal Remedies Act 1967
auditors and verifiers. Agricultural Compounds and
Investigate and correct non-compliance; prosecute Veterinary Medicines Act 1997
illegal operations. Hazardous Substances and
New Organisms Act 1996
Other New Zealand bodies
Commerce Commission Consumer protection re: fraudulent or misleading Fair Trading Act 1986
labelling or advertising (may be related to food safety).
Environmental Risk Consents for import, testing in containment, and field Hazardous Substances and
Management Authority release of genetically modified organisms in New New Organisms Act 1996
Zealand (may be GM foods).
Ministry of Commerce Seeks harmonisation of food safety standards to
encourage trade (e.g. not more restrictive than
Ministry of Foreign Affairs Represents New Zealand’s interests in government-to-
and Trade government negotiations on food standards and food
market access.
Producer Boards (e.g. Set and control within-industry quality standards Voluntary
Dairy Board, Apple and codes of practice for pesticide use.
Pear Marketing Board)
International bodies
Australia New Zealand Joint standards setting for Australia and New Zealand. Food Act 1981
Food Authority (ANZFA) (does not include hygiene standards, pesticide residues, or Standards set via the ANZFA
dietary supplements)
an Australian statutory authority Treaty
Codex Alimentarius Publishes rules and guidelines to protect consumer Codex Alimentarius
Commission health, ensure fair practices, and harmonise food
(funded by Food and Agriculture standards.
Organization 75% and World
Health Organization 25%)
World Trade Organization Checks use of “unjustified protectionist measures”. Agreement on Sanitary and
Variations to Codex Alimentarius standards are only Phytosanitary Measures;
allowed under Agreements with scientific justification. Agreement on Technical
Barriers to Trade
Quality of Food Proccessing Industries in Newzealand-
As food circulation chains are gradually more extended around the world, necessity has occurred for the formation of latest food safety standards and stricter enforcement of presented food safety laws to guarantee that food industry quality control and food processing standards grant a secure worldwide food supply.
The global food and beverage industry is the world's biggest industry; in fact, better-quality to the whole world other industries combined. In the search for market share and improved profits, quality and food safety may sometimes be surrendered. customers depend upon the communication and the collaboration among government agencies to locate and implement consistent safety procedures that ensure no negotiation of quality and safety. customers should know that the agriculture produce is secure from the farm all the way through to the grocer's shelf, fish is safe harvested wild or heaved by aquaculture, poultry and livestock are free from pathogens, and that food and food complements include ingredients usually documented as safe. Processed foods must be pasteurized or sterilized, and canned or otherwise packaged in aseptically preserved containers. Fresh food must be examined by government agencies.
Coordinating these International Governmental efforts is not a straightforward mission. Food Safety Regulations are separated between various Government Agencies
(International Coordination of Food Safety Regulations)
Product Development-
A. Food product, process and packaging expansion and enhancement, including nutrition for healthy foods.
B. Labelling observance covering nutrition computation, allergen announcements and other requirements.
C. Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code and Dietary Supplement Regulation fulfilment on composition and legalized ingredients, types and levels for your products.
D. Quality or process improvement and/or cost reduction utilising experimental design software for optimal results.
Food product and process development
I. Comprehensive food formulations from model to commercialisation.
II. Product improvements and regulation on cost efficient food reformulating, eg for “Pick the Tick”.
III. Suggestion on food plant and food equipment.
IV. Total project management for latest food product launches.
V. Advice on food processing and food packaging.
VI. Advice on food storage, food refrigeration, food shelf life and food transport.
VII. Performance of shelf life tests.
VIII. Broad familiarity with: fish and seafood products, meat products, ready to eat meals and salads, UHT high and low acid foods, sauces, toppings, fresh chilled and shelf stable fruit and vegetable products, fruit juices and drinks, other high and low acid beverages, confectionery, sports foods, functional foods and dietary supplements, and a wide range of dairy/milk products.
Labelling of foods, including nutrition calculations
A. Computation of food composition with broad food databases.
B. Ingredients listing and other labelling requirements plus allergen alerts, nutrition claims, and characterising ingredient percentage to conform with the Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) Food Standards Code.
C. Advice on FSANZ Food Composition Standards.
D. Access to nutrition calculation software with broad database for over 21,000 foods and ingredients.
E. Advice on labelling and additives for the New Zealand Dietary Supplement regulations.
F. Advice on labelling, composition and approved additives for foods for import and export.
Allergen Management
A. Identification of allergen risks in products and processing.
B. Ingredient selection and formulation to reduce or eliminate allergens in products.
C. Process changes to accommodate new ingredients where needed.
D. Development of processes to reduce cross contamination with other products.
E. Advice on allergen labelling.
Improvement projects
A. Support with food product quality improvement projects.
B. Advice on food process improvement for yield, efficiency or productivity gains.
C. Knowledge of technical software for the food industry, including nutrition calculation and labelling, recipe management, ice cream software, historic data analysis for problem solving and experimental design software for product and process optimisation for improved and cheaper products.
D. Assistance with cost saving projects while maintaining or improving quality and reliability of process and product.
E. Use of experimental design software to get enhanced results in terms of quality and cost.
F. In-house staff training for specialized development, to enlarge familiarity and diminish faults.
(Food product innovation )
Economic impact of food product innovation
Agricultural production has turn into gradually more automated, proficient and cost-effective over the last 80 years. One of the means economic drivers is the comparative blow of cost seasonality of production – regions with well-built continuing cost compensations will have a propensity to manufacture inferior value products. An enhancement in demand for further processed food products induces a transfer towards non-seasonal production.
The blow of increased agricultural effectiveness is the lowering of food raw material costs. The blow of this on the Newzealand food manufacturing sector,
• Gross production from the food sector enlarged by 1.88% per annum;
• Net production augmented by 3.58% per annum;
• On average around 60% of the cost of food was the raw material cost;
• Multi-factor efficiency manifestation increased by 0.45% per annum (compared to the manufacturing sector productivity of 1.25%);
• Capital investments augmented by 2.25% per annum.
The turn down in processed food cost was approximately absolutely accounted for by the cost of raw materials;
• Food manufacturing private R&D outgoings enlarged 2.22% per annum, compared to agricultural inputs R&D (4.04%).
• R&D expenditure characterizes 0.23% of sales.
In summing up, these results supply a portrait of a business which is significant on the household economy, but not providing the enhancements in effectiveness and efficiency of other sectors, including the agricultural sector.
Modelling a variety of interrelationships,
• Generally real processed food costs diminished by 2.13% per annum;
• Improvements in food industry production contributed little (less than 0.14% for a 1% increase in productivity);
• The explanation driver for compact processed food costs was a decline in raw material prices (a 1% decrease in raw materials created a 0.59% refusal in processed food price);
• Real producer costs for “crude” food turn down by 3.6% per annum;
• Mergers and acquisitions over the 1991 – 1998 periods had small consequence on efficiency;
• Construction worker efficiency enlarged by 1.33% per annum;
• A 10% boost in capital and labour inputs would raise remaining production of the food segment by $4.3 billion.
(Food safety)
What is Quality of Processed Food?
There be 3 qualities of foodproducts , which the customers inquire about:
I. “Safety and Reliability”
II. “Deliciousness”
III. “suitable Price”.
Among these 3 , the most essential is of safety. By this it merely means free from any biological, chemical and physical hazard.
Main beliefs of Quality Control
The PDCA (Plan, Do, check,action) cycle must be use when QC is implemented. This classification
enable the QC plan to improve any component of the preparation to avoid any risk of hazards. The
following procedures must be carry out in standard to comprehend effectual QC:
I. evaluate the current circumstances and recognize the difficulty;
II. construct a arrangement to tackle the difficulty;
III. execute the arrangement to eradicate the difficulty
IV. evaluation these sets of act to absolute the QC.
3. How to Implement Quality Improvement Measures
Quality enhancement is a business objective and as such it must branched from the top managing
rank. In order to attain optimal point of quality enhancement, the following steps must be consider:-
First is the recognition of the presented difficulty.
next is the illustrate up of an act plan to deal with the difficulty
lastly the execution of the act plan. As a consequence one must prioritize tribulations like the ones, which
need slightest time required and other , which need longer timeto tackle. Such actions acquiesce superior consequences.
4. The Cost of Quality Control
Several people think expenses on QC systems like added cost. On the opposite side, not invest on a QC
system may imply additional cost to the producerin the long run. Consider the scenario
where defective products are rejected or at the worst case, recalled. This obviously means further loss than predictable profit, and similarly a damage consequence on the company’s image and community trust.
5. How to Implement the Quality Control
i) The QC strategy and objective level of the corporation should be visibly recognized and communicated to
all concerned division of the corporation.
ii) The organization and system for the quality assurance must be completed , as a result the QC work
is easily implemented.
iii) The association and system completed must be reviewed sporadically, and subsequently revised when required.
Strategy for the growth of Processed food quality control systems
With inadequate land and other natural assets in the newzealand, just those high quality and
value-added agricultural goods can endure in extremely viable global market.On the other hand , the food industry bring added worth to farm products , lengthens product shelf life, and widens the product allocation area. Throughout novel processing, the manufactured goods value might amplify 10 times. To increase the competitiveness of the agriculture as well as food industry division, the newzealand should undertake the subsequent strategic approach:-
Establishing the Strategic Alliances amongst Farmers’ Associations and Food Manufacturers
The planned alliance created amongst farmers’ associations plus manufacturing companies is to incorporate the process of raw material fabrication, processing and advertising of value-added goods, thus to maximize the effectiveness and profits.
Developing Unique Local Processed Products
Beside with the rising expansion of agro-tourism, there is a slot marketplace for exclusive local processed foodstuffs, including conserve of fruits and vegetables, wineries,etc., which want technical assistance on the packaging technique and hygienic processing practice as from the government.
Amplification of Research and Development in Food Industry
Research and development in the food industry must center on rising unique points of dissimilarity, such as delicious local foods are differentiate from the imported ones. Furthermore, exceptional efforts are made on the unification Local Newzealand food. improvement of functional food as well as cooked and ready-to-eat frozen foods, etc. In order to make the positioned marketplace for boosting the importance of agricultural products .
Food Control Management
successful food control systems need policy plus operational harmonization at the nationwide level. While the features of such function will be determined through the nationalized legislation, they would contain the founding of a management function and organizational structures with evidently defined responsibility for issues such as: the improvement and execution of an incorporated national food control policy; operation of a nationalized food control programme; securing finances and allocate assets; set standards and policy; involvement in global food control linked activities; upward emergency response measures; carring out risk investigation etc
(Food Safety)
Quality Inspection organization-
Nzlabs- New Zealand Laboratory Services work inproviding best quality testing support service for quality control necessities and brand shield requirements.
New Zealand Laboratory Services working in the field of Dairy, Meat, Seafood, FMCG, Honey and Natural products sector.
New Zealand Laboratory Services works in complete variety of microbiological, pathogen and chemistry tests against the latest AOAC, APHA, USFDA standards in their IANZ accredited laboratories.
(Assuring foodsafety)
Assure quality- AsureQuality is a business corporation 100 percent own by the New Zealand administration. They provide food safety and biosecurity services to the food and main manufacture sectors. They carried out food quality and safety testing for producer, processors and Competent Authorities, to assure fulfilment with standards (including the Japanese Positive List System) and for domestic and international market admittance for food and agricultural products. AsureQuality offer self-regulating
and integrated audit, check, authentication and certification services to producer, processors and retailers across the food and farming sector. As a acknowledged Private Training Establishment (PTE) with the New
Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) they offer industry training across themeat, food , dairy , horticulture, agriculture, biosecurity sectors.
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